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Apply for a Research Degree

We strongly encourage applicants to submit applications as early as possible. The admissions cycle for studentships starting in Autumn opens in October of the preceding year. There is no formal deadline for applications, but we encourage you to apply by the beginning of January if possible.

Applications should be submitted online through the Postgraduate Applicant Portal. See the Postgraduate Research webpage for more details. If it is not possible for you to complete the online application form, please contact the Department at [email protected].

If your first language is not English or your first degree was awarded by a University not delivering courses in English, you will need to demonstrate proficiency in English Language. The University's minimal language requirements for postgraduate studies may be found here.

Reference letters and CVs should also be sent to [email protected].

Further information

We welcome enquiries about postgraduate admission. Please read the area-specific information below, and do not hesitate to contact the relevant departmental contact if you have further questions.

Further Information Contact Person Email
Applied Mathematics Djoko Wirosoetisno [email protected]
Mathematical & Theoretical Physics Mathew Bullimore [email protected]

Pure Mathematics

(including Algebra & Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry & Topology)

Herbert Gangl [email protected]
Probability Tyler Helmuth [email protected]
Statistics Georgios Karagiannis

[email protected]

Durham Doctoral Training Fellowships Gemma Dart

[email protected]

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Find out more about taught courses and scholarships, research degrees and Durham Doctoral Teaching Fellowships (DDTF) as well as research and impact.

Taught Degrees

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Students sitting in class while the tutor points to the blackboard.


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Two female students

Research Degrees

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Student sitting at a computer studying

Research and Impact

Find out more about our research.

Durham Doctoral Teaching Fellowships

Find out more about the Durham Doctoral Teaching Fellowships (DDTF).