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Durham University Library and Collections Charter and Code of Conduct 

The Charter, Code of Conduct and Library Regulations apply to everyone visiting or using University Library and Collections attractions, spaces, services, facilities or collections, whether in person, remotely or online.  

The University is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive, and safe work environment. Bullying and harassment are not accepted in the University. 

To help keep everyone safe we ask everyone to follow our expectations for behaviour: 

What you can expect from us: 

  • Knowledgeable, professional, customer focused staff, always willing to help 
  • A welcoming, safe and inclusive culture and environment    
  • To treat our volunteers and users with respect, kindness and dignity 
  • Clear, timely and helpful communication 
  • Encouragement and opportunity to provide feedback about our services and to inform continual improvements.

We expect you to: 

  • Treat all staff, volunteers and other users with respect, kindness and dignity 
  • To be aware and considerate of other users, their needs and experience 
  • Ask us if you are unsure or need help or advice on using any of our services or resources 
  • Provide ID if accessing resources or some services 
  • Take care of all Library and Collections materials and follow specific regulations for handling any collections material, including archives, special collections and museum objects
  • Respect and use appropriately the Library and Collections environment, spaces, facilities, resources and equipment
  • Take responsibility for complying with all legal obligations, including copyright law when you are visiting us or using any of our resources and objects, whether printed or electronic 
  • Observe local rules on food and drink.

If you require further information, this can be found in the full Library Regulations on the University website. These apply to all users at all sites, so please make sure you are familiar with them.  

If behaviours do not meet expectations: 

The Code of Conduct is there to help make our spaces a safe and pleasant environment in which to be in. If you don’t follow the rules or code of conduct then the sanctions include, but are not limited to, the below: 

  • Given verbal guidance on use of our services or resources. This could include, but is not limited to:
    • being asked to move to a more suitable area of our spaces for your activity
    • advice on handling Library and Collections materials or equipment
    • direction on behaviour
  • Given a verbal and/or written warning 
  • Being required to pay for (partially or in full) costs of repair or replacement for any damage caused 
  • Being required to leave immediately  
  • Temporary and/or permanent suspension from our buildings and/or services 
  • If you are a member of the University, you may be reported to your Head of Department or College.

You are encouraged to engage in opportunities for providing feedback and alert us to any problems you experience in using library and collections services, spaces or resources.

Stuart Hunt 
Director of University Library and Collections, University Librarian 
Durham University Library and Collections 
Email: [email protected]