The Durham Biostatistics Unit is a new joint unit between the Durham Research Methods Centre (DRMC) and the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The unit is supported by several members of the DRMC as well as the Statistics group of the Department for Mathematical Sciences. The unit collaborates with neighbouring NHS Trusts and our regional Research Design Service-North East, working with clinicians and academic colleagues to develop grant applications in health research. The scope of the unit is beyond purely applied and consultative aspects, with a focus on developing new statistical methodology to support applied health research both in the UK and globally, especially with view to clinical trials and the evaluation of health interventions.
The Scope of the Unit
The Durham Biostatistics unit has a strong methodological focus and is particularly interested in embarking on collaborative work which exceeds `plain data analysis’, also raising methodological challenges. The unit has expertise in both Frequentist and Bayesian Statistics. We are keen on receiving both internal and external requests for collaboration.
Core Members of the Unit
We are keen on receiving both internal and external requests for collaboration. Please get in touch via [email protected]